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Cafcass are a body that looks after the interests of children in proceedings and reports to the Court.
Keeping Costs Down
During difficult times it is often easy to loose sight of the real issues in dispute. This can lead the parties to focus on external problems that have no real bearing on the real issues of the dispute. Remember "Principles" may be important, however they also cost money.To keep your costs within your expectations consider the guide below:
1) Keep focused upon the real issues, acting out of frustration or exacerbated circumstances often have long term consequences that can lead to increased protracted correspondence between solicitors and as a consequence increased costs.
2) Manage your appointments with your solicitor. Consider carefully what you want out of the appointment. Go armed with questions and use this as a memory aid so that you wont have to make additional calls later.
3) Don't let the solicitor chase you for information, respond to their requests as soon as convenient. The more you are chased the more you are billed.
4) As far as you can, remain amicable with your partner. If communication between parties remains good you stand a far better chance of resolving the dispute or reaching a settlement quicker and as a consequence cheaper.
Be Wise
Divorce is about starting over but at the same time having a financial plan to help secure your future.
1) Review your finances and expenditure.
Think of what the financial consequences are for you now and in the future . Look at your income, expenditure, assets and tax consequences separation may have on your situation. As you go through this process it will give you an idea of what you have now and what you may require for the future and or the future of your children.
2) Budget for legal expenses
Talk to your solicitor about your costs. Make sure you are clear on what costs are involved.
Can you recover costs from your spouse? Can you apply to the court for legal expenses?
Do you have insurance that may help you with legal costs?
Are there any alternative arrangements available to you for funding?
What are the likely costs for Court fees and other consequential costs?
Be Organised
One of the biggest expenses when in litigation whether that be a financial case or children case is the gathering of information. To save costs consider the following:
1) Before an appointment make a note of what you want to discuss and take advice on.
2) Consider using emails as an alternative way of contacting your solicitor, you then have a record of what you have requested and it is normally far quicker and cost effective for a solicitor to respond by email than post.
3) Agree with your solicitor how and when you would like to be kept updated, as and when a significant event takes place or on a weekly basis.
4) If in doubt don't be afraid to ask your solicitor to confirm his advice, ask questions if you are unsure.
5) Agree timescales and your expectations with your solicitor
Don't Get Stressed
When you have your first appointment consider the following tips:
1) Choose a solicitor you feel comfortable with, someone who will listen and guide you. The wrong choice of solicitor can have a significant impact upon your case
2) Discuss how and when you want to be kept up to date. You have to be proportionate about this as time is money.However,there is nothing more frustrating than a lack of communication. Therefore be clear from the start.
3) Be clear on costs, as they say the cheapest is not always the best, there are fixed fees for some services that are available from most solicitors in the main for Divorce and conveyancing. However, the majority of costs will be based up an hourly rate with an overall estimate. Whilst costs are often a primary issue at the first interview the more pressing matters may overshadow your recollection of what was discussed. Therefore it is important that you ask for your costs to be explained so you are fully aware of your obligations and can plan for those costs.
4) Make your solicitor aware of any concerns you have at the earliest opportunity. They cannot help if they are not aware.
5) Keep in regular contact with your solicitor especially when your circumstances change.