Rising cost of court fees
Posted on 30th March 2021 at 14:59
The Ministry of Justice this week opened a consultation on a plan to increase Court fees by around 8% across the board, Court fees have not increased since 2016.
With the proposed rise of court fees, the threshold to be able to receive help with fees is also going to rise, this will make more people eligible for assistance with court fees.
There is a significant difference between the figure for the running costs of the HMCTS to the income received from the court and tribunal fees. Thus, meaning more funding is needed and this naturally comes from the taxpayer.
Fees for filing an application for a divorce, nullity or civil partnership dissolution will increase from £550 to £592, with an application for parental order going from £215 to £232.
If this proposal is implemented, it will come into effect late September/early October.
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